Welcome to the FES Cameroon office

Cameroon Office

BP 11 939, Yaoundé
Boulevard de Russie

+237 678 26 45 78
+237 222 21 52 92
+237 685 13 46 85

Our team

The development of participatory democracies

The development of participatory democracies

Contrary to all expectations, the political liberalisation that began in the early 1990s did not lead to a genuine opening up of the socio-political arena and hence to a more inclusive participation of the various social classes in the sub-region. More

The integration of sustainability and justice into social and economic systems in Central Africa

The integration of sustainability and justice into social and economic systems in Central Africa

Frail political systems undermine the quality of people's lives in the sub-region. More

Reforming and democratising the discourse on security

Reforming and democratising the discourse on security

Central Africa and Cameroon are facing a number of security challenges. More

Social and ecological transformation

Social and ecological transformation

With the growing concern about climate change, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung has become actively involved in the processes of social and ecological transformation. More

Activities and Events

09.12.2024 | The development of participatory democracies, News | Events

À l'occasion d'une cérémonie de remise des certificats organisée ce samedi 07 décembre 2024, en salle de conférence de la Friedrich Ebert Stiftung…


15.11.2024 | News | Events

Nous sommes à la recherche de la prochaine génération de jeunes leaders ! / We are looking for our next generation of young leaders!


13.11.2024 | News | Events

The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) offers 3-month academic internships to students interested in its areas of work. The internship periods are:…

FES Cameroon on Facebook

FES Cameroon on Facebook

Follow us and like our Facebook page. More


Publication hors-série de la FES ; No 2

Publication hors-série de la FES ; No 2

Yaounde, 2024

Download publication (1,4 MB PDF-Datei)

Improving school textbooks in Cameroon

Improving school textbooks in Cameroon

Studies on quality determining factors = Améliorer les manuels scolaires au Cameroun : enquête sur les déterminants de la qualité
Yaounde, 2023

Download publication (22 MB, PDF-Datei)

Publication hors-série de la FES ; No 1

Publication hors-série de la FES ; No 1

Yaounde, 2022

Download publication (1,6 MB PDF-Datei)

 FES Cameroon on X

FES Cameroon on X

Be informed as followers of @FESKamerun updates! More

The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung is a German political foundation of public utility. It owes its name, existence, and function to the political legacy of Friedrich Ebert, Germany's first democratically elected president. The promotion of social democratic values and support for progressive movements lies at the heart of its commitment.

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