
The development of participatory democracies

The development of participatory democracies

Contrary to all expectations, the political liberalisation that began in the early 1990s did not lead to a genuine opening up of the socio-political arena and hence to a more inclusive participation of the various social... More

The integration of sustainability and justice into social and economic systems in Central Africa

The integration of sustainability and justice into social and economic systems in Central Africa

Frail political systems undermine the quality of people's lives in the sub-region. More

Reforming and democratising the discourse on security

Reforming and democratising the discourse on security

Central Africa and Cameroon are facing a number of security challenges. More

Social and ecological transformation

Social and ecological transformation

With the growing concern about climate change, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung has become actively involved in the processes of social and ecological transformation. More

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