The integration of sustainability and justice into social and economic systems in Central Africa

Frail political systems undermine the quality of people's lives in the sub-region.

Whether we are talking about social protection mechanisms, equitable access to and redistribution of resources, inclusive economic policies, or the fight against discrimination and inequality, the situation is bleak.

To address these many challenges, we are working to forge alliances and develop common progressive positions on the issues of social protection and improving workers' rights within trade unions, ranging from professional associations to labour confederations.

Activities and Events

Wednesday, 22.06.2022 - Yaoundé | The integration of sustainability and justice | Events
Photo : FES Cameroun

The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung held a working meeting with the Cameroon Workers' Forum (CAWOF) on the morning of 22 June 2023 in Yaoundé. The aim of…



Publication hors-série de la FES ; No 2

Publication hors-série de la FES ; No 2

Yaounde, 2024

Download publication (1,4 MB PDF-Datei)

Improving school textbooks in Cameroon

Improving school textbooks in Cameroon

Studies on quality determining factors = Améliorer les manuels scolaires au Cameroun : enquête sur les déterminants de la qualité
Yaounde, 2023

Download publication (22 MB, PDF-Datei)


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