Monday, 20.11.2023 - Berlin

German Prize for Africa 2023

Germany's Africa Prize 2023 officially awarded to representatives of the National Convention of Women for Peace in Cameroon.


The ceremony took place on 30.11.2023 in the German capital, Berlin, and was chaired by Ms Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Vice-President of the German Parliament. The prize was presented to three representatives of the National Convention of Women for Peace in Cameroon, who travelled to Berlin for the occasion. They are Ms Esther Omam, Executive Director of the NGO Reach Out, Ms Marthe Wandou, Coordinator of the NGO ALDEPA and Ms Sally Mboumyen, Founder of the NGO COMAGEND. Together, they accepted the prize on behalf of over 60 women's organisations and networks in Cameroon.

The German Africa Prize is Germany's most distinguished and prestigious award for African personalities who advance peace, democracy, human rights and the positive transformation of their communities.

This prize represents recognition of the efforts undertaken by the women of Cameroon to build peace piece by piece. For the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, which has been supporting this platform for the past three years by actively advocating for the inclusion of women in Cameroon, which has been plagued by armed conflict and a number of security challenges in recent years, this is an exciting development.

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